Sunday, October 7, 2012

Here Comes the Sun

The Beatles are without question the most important band to ever create rock music. Elvis, The Rolling Stones, and Dylan did a lot to contribute but it is The Beatles who created the sounds, songs, and personae that are still shaping music as we know it today. You can surely read all the praises of The Beatles that you want by simply searching on Google, you do not need me for that. I am here to tell you about one of my favorite Beatles songs "Here Comes the Sun":

The music and soft lyrics of this song make it seem almost like a lullabya. I am not sure that is possible to listen, truly listen and absorb, this song without coming away with a good bubbly feeling. "Here Comes the Sun" was written by George Harrisonb and recorded by himself, Paul and Ringo. John did not participate as he was recovering from a car accidentc.

My earliest memory of this song is probably from when I was about 7 or 8 years old and my sister was 2 or 3. My dad would put this song on and the two of us would dance around the living room often singing into a toy spatulad. These are the times that I also began to perfect my air guitar techniquese. To this day, I still look forward to waking up early on Sundays to catch Breakfast with the Beatles on WCMF. It seems every song they ever made was perfect in its own wonderful wayf.

Perhaps I should have saved this song for the spring as it is clearly about the end of winter but I was inspired by the beautiful sunny fall day yesterdayg. Even when I think of this song though, I am reminded of the beauty of springtime. During my sophomore year at Geneseo I had experienced a "long, cold lonely winter"h until one day we were blessed with one of those warm days in Marchi. After class I was so pleased with the warmth on my skin that I went back to my dorm room, flung open the window, and blared "Here Comes the Sun" on repeat. After several listens I went with my roommate to grab some lunch at the Union, but decided that I should share this song with campus first. I put the speakers up in the window and took the song off repeat and walked away. Well, apparently iTunes and I were not on the same pagej and the song was somehow still on repeat and the central quad on campus got to listen to "Here Comes the Sun" for half an hour. The unfortunate part of the whole thing is that by the time we got back dark clouds had worked their way in and the temperature had droppedk.

Play count while writing blog: 7

Favorite lyrics: It seems like years since it's been clear/ Here comes the sun

a. An absurdly catchy lullaby. 
b. Apparently at Eric Clapton's house in England - holy rock gods moly. 
c. And being dumb and annoying. John is my least favorite Beatle, but I will likely feature him in a post closer to Christmas nonetheless. 
d. Similar situations would occur for "I Want You to Want Me" by Cheap Trick, and when mom was home, "Song of the South" by Alabama. 
e. Don't hate.
f. Okay, so maybe you don't need to Google "The Beatles" to read someone gushing about them. Whatever. 
g. And we all know my feelings on the autumnal season. 
h. Which had nothing on the following November - February. 
i.  That was inevitably a tease after which we will still definitely see snow. 
j.  I blame Steve Jobs. 
k. I wonder if anyone else from Geneseo remembers that early spring day where some idiot blared that Beatles song for half an hour. 

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