Friday, September 14, 2012

6 Foot 7 Foot

Well here goes nothing. The song I like today is Lil Wayne's "6 Foot 7 Foot".



In the first song that Lil Wayne released post Riker's Island, Weezy greets us with this playful gem that samples the classic "Day-O"(b). I am not entirely sure what the point of the song is and frankly I don't care. It has a great beat and an even better flow. When it comes on while I am out running I seem to get a boost(c).

Although I may look like a nut job when this song comes on my iPod. there are still actual nutjobs out there in the world. And, apparently, they all live in East Rochester. While out running since I moved here in June I have seen not one, but two people being arrested. Both times it happened 6 Foot 7 Foot was playing. Despite my half-hearted internet(d) searching I have no idea why these folks were arrested. The one kid was pulled over in a BMW and looked like real trouble(e). The other arrest was just last week(f), a man was pulled over in his pickup truck with his family standing on the curb. There were two East Rochester police cars and two Rochester police cars involved and they were interested in whatever was in the truck bed. I have been actively running for almost three years now. For the most part from March-October I run outside because I hate treadmills. During this time I lived in downtown Binghamton(g) and in Spencerport and I NEVER saw anyone get arrested(h). In fact, I don't ever recall seeing anyone being pulled over. Maybe I should have researched East Rochester a little bit more before investing in property here.

The lyrics of 6 Foot 7 Foot are offensive, crude, and borderline nonsensical. Whatever, I still like this song. The one thing that bothers me is when "Tammy" is rhymed with "Tammy". I think it is poor song writing when a word is rhymed with itself(i).

Thoughts on video: The video is not necessarily the most creative but I still actually really like because it seems like something I would produce. The scenes act out the references in the song very literally. While that is fun, the problem is there is a lack of any cohesive story other then Wayne falling into the tub(j).

Play count while writing blog: 3
iTunes play count: 69(k)

a. I am not a fan of censorship however I want to give my the readers the choice to not hear so called "offensive" language, you're welcome. 
b. This is song I am known to sample frequently, especially when performing even the most basic manual labor tasks.
c. I also mouth the lyrics and make hand motions so people probably (accurately) think I am a nut job. 
d. According to spell check "internet" should be capitalized. Antiquated dictionary Google? 
e. Also, it was a Sunday afternoon in July, I feel like you have to do something pretty bad to make a cop arrest you on a Sunday afternoon in July when it is 85 and humid. 
f.  To be fair, I saw something going down while driving home and then conveniently made my planned run take a route right by the arrest. 
g. Not exactly known as a classy place. 
h. Okay, I wouldn't expect to see anyone being arrested in Spencerport, you got me.
i. Meet Virginia (1:15 mark)Irreplaceable (2:00 mark) 
j. I really like this effect though. 
k. I have not synced my iPod in sometime so I imagine this number is a bit low. 

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