Sunday, September 9, 2012


Thanks Facebook for providing this entry. Toto's 1982 hit "Africa" is one of those songs that I was always aware of 1 but that I never appreciated until I experienced the song.

Until I went to write about this song, it never occurred to me the the subject matter of Africa is strange. I just excepted that it was likely talking about bad shit that happens in African countries. I lumped it together with songs that seem to have similar themes and "worldbeats" 2. Apparently these songs were all released a few years later in 1984 and 1985 and Africa actually was not as philanthropic or politically charged. According to Wikipedia, Toto keyboardist, David Paich, had long been interested in Africa but struggled to write a song about it, as he had never been there. David writes that the song is about a little boy writing a song about Africa but all he knows about Africa is what he has seen on TV 3.

Although "Africa" was released in 1982, five years before yours truly graced this planet, it could have been written in 2009 as far as Michelle Schrank, Chelsea Anderson, Andrew Diehl, the City of Boston and I are concerned. For New Years Eve 2010 the four of us trekked to Boston for a party that was sure to be unlike any other. After avoiding getting dressed until the last minute and getting lost on the mean streets near the Commons we made it to the bar and got our dance on.

We even stopped at four gas stations trying to find a disposable camera 4, 5
The music seemed to be a mix of the hits of the day and throwbacks. AND THEN, just after the clock struck 12, and everyone pretended to know the words to Auld Lang Syne, IT HAPPENED. The DJ put Africa on the deck 6 and the experience began. It was like a light bulb clicked and suddenly we forgot about ordering another Long Island and danced as if we were in Africa 7. Ever since that night all of us and, I would hope, everyone at the bar that night 8 think of those glorious four minutes they experienced during the infancy of 2010.

Judging by the grins on our faces I am assuming this was taken right after Africa finished 9.

Two years later it was decided that a new city would be conquered for New Year's Eve. This time we were taking New York City on head first.  Feeling like classy employed people, the Boston crew and additional company signed up for an all inclusive night of debauchery in Brooklyn. The conversation leading up to the night revolved around how awesome it was going to be when we convinced the DJ to spin Africa. Turns out the DJ was not buying our story about how great this song would be to play. Apparently, it was not classy enough for this bar in the DUMBO neighborhood of Brooklyn. Our begging was of no avail and we were forced to jam out to the song on a cell phone while heading home for the night. Maybe next time we will celebrate NYE in a city that appreciates good music.

Enjoying our Gimlets, like I said, classy.

Thoughts on video: As I was not watching MTV in 1982, today was the first time that I watched this video. It seems like it is low budget and poorly produced even for being 30 years old. The part where they just zoom in on the globe that looks like it was taken from a fifth grade teacher's room is particularly lame. That being said, there does seem to be story told 10  and I always like when the band actually plays their instruments in music videos rather then walking around "acting" 11.

Favorite lyrics: "Gonna take some time to do the things we never have"

Play count while writing blog: 6

Comments question: Is there a song that you have "experienced"?

1. Maybe it was programmed into all babies born in the 1980s?
2. See: Feed The WorldFree Nelson Mandela, and We Are The World 
3. I wonder how this song would be written today, I can probably learn more about Africa by spending 10 minutes on Wikipedia than I could by spending a week actually there AND I would avoid dealing with airlines!
4. Besides capturing the evening's moments we were also trying to keep my father employed.
5. Thank you Michelle for the pictures I hijacked from your Facebook.
6. Or clicked it on iTunes.
7. In reality we probably looked ridiculous and drunk, but it was NYE so it is okay.
8. Besides the ones that were passed out near the bathroom, this was not necessarily the classiest establishment in Boston.
9. Actually, I think we ran out of film after being at the bar for about 10 minutes.
10. Besides middle aged white dudes singing about Africa.
11. Yes, I went out of my way to find a U2 video that matched this description. Yes, I actually forced myself to watch and listen to multiple U2 videos as research.

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